the possiblist

believe. lead. inspire



Someone who is filled with hope, who believes good things can happen and is an optimist, who believes good things will happen. At the foundation of both is reality. A possiblist understands the current situation and has a desire to change that situation for the better. A possiblist removes emotion, intuition and mainstream thought, focusing on the real data to formulate a strategy to move forward and achieve the desired success.

I’m a possiblist. I help people who are serious about changing the direction of their life. You see, I am convinced if someone is serious about changing their life for the better, it can be achieved. That is, with a plan.

Everyone’s definition of change is different, therefore; every plan is different. It is personal to the individual or organization.

It’s been said that you are best qualified to help those who are what you were. Makes sense right?

I was lost, I was confused about my future. I was fired from a 25 year career, I reinvented myself at 55 years old. I was over weight, I consumed too much alcohol. I was in debt over my head. My business experience is filled with great highs and miserable lows. I wasn’t focused, I was worried too much about pleasing everyone. At times in my life, that’s who I was, not at once thankfully! I didn’t have a compass to guide me.

That is not me anymore.

I can be that compass for you, allow me to help you build a better life, so that you can experience more and offer more to the world.


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Business Team Building and Training


Individual Coaching Sessions

Lunch and Learns + Masterminds

Lunch and Learns + Masterminds

“Everyday, we must stand guard to the door to our mind.” - Jim Rohn

What is the end game? If you don’t know where you want to go, how can you get there?